Branching Out: How Trees Boost Property Value

Branching Out: How Trees Boost Property Value

Branching Out: How Trees Boost Property Value 1000 750 Canopy Keepers

We all understand the many benefits of trees but there is one bonus that is often overlooked, and that is how
trees can significantly increase the value of your property. Retaining your trees, i.e. your green infrastructure,
can deliver direct financial gains. The return on investment in trees is being proven in the marketplace as
buyers and renters respond positively to the desirability of greener spaces. A 2017 study focusing on three
Sydney suburbs found a 10 per cent increase in street tree canopy could increase property values by $50,000
on average, and lower energy bills.

1. Curb Appeal
Trees enhance the curb appeal of a property primarily by beautifying the landscape and enhancing a
property’s visual appeal by creating a welcoming atmosphere. First impressions are important and the right
tree/s in the right place will add significant value to a property.

2. Residential Outdoor Recreation Areas
Trees provide shade, cooling and privacy for residential outdoor areas where people like to gather. It is well
known how Aussies appreciate their outdoor spaces, and as such many properties are now designed to
provide a seamless transition between the inside of a dwelling and the outdoor areas. Beautiful and
functional recreation areas enhanced by trees are sought after by property buyers.

3. Cooling
The increase in temperatures due to global warming is becoming a serious consideration for property buyers
looking to transition to green energy. In summer, shade and evapotranspiration (the evaporation of water
primarily from a tree’s leaves) can significantly reduce the costs associated with artificial cooling. In winter
trees act as a windbreak thereby reducing the amount of cold air and decreasing the cost of heating. Research
has shown that shaded surfaces may be 11-25°C cooler than the peak temperatures of unshaded surfaces.

4. Return on Investment for Homeowners & Landlords
Trees should also be an important consideration for anyone who invests in real estate. Landlords can
highlight the green aspects of a property to attract eco-conscious renters and eventually buyers. Mature trees
provide the most benefits in terms of amenity, and continue to increase the property value over time as they
mature. Research has shown that the right tree/s in the right place can increase the value of a residential
property by 3.5-15%.

So next time your gutters are full of leaves, or your pool or lawn is covered in leaf litter, don’t look at the mess,
look at the trees, and consider all the benefits your trees provide, including the financial reward associated
with retaining and planting more trees. Investing in trees is a smart investment.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Garigal people, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging. The survival of our beautiful Spotted Gum and Angophora Forests, with the many creatures they feed and shelter, are evidence of their care for country.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Garigal people, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging. The survival of our beautiful Spotted Gum and Angophora Forests, with the many creatures they feed and shelter, are evidence of their care for country.

About us

Canopy Keepers was formed in 2020 as an independent group to raise community awareness about the social, environmental and economic importance of trees to our area. We aim to increase local appreciation of the value of a healthy and strong canopy. We also lobby for changes to regulations and practices to protect and enhance it.

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