What’s keeping Canopy Keepers busy right now?

What’s keeping Canopy Keepers busy right now?

What’s keeping Canopy Keepers busy right now? 1024 423 Canopy Keepers

We’ve been keeping close to council these last few months as they progress their Conservation Zones Review for the Northern Beaches LGA . Canopy Keepers have attended multiple council meetings to listen and question council’s plans and proposals. We remain concerned about the potential for reduced environmental protections in Pittwater as a result of the proposed zoning amendments.

Council Next Steps

Once Council reach agreement with the Department of Planning and Environment on a revised methodology, additional mapping will be undertaken, and site inspections will be arranged for landowners whose submissions on mapping have not been resolved.

Council aim to complete a draft of the Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) by September 2023 for public submission before end of this year.

To catch up on the latest visit: NBC Conservation Zones Review Page

Update on the Tree Canopy Plan

At Council’s May 23rd meeting the Tree Canopy Plan is at last on the agenda and the motion is passed unanimously for the Plan to move into public exhibition very soon. We encourage all residents to read the plan and make comments within the time allowed. One grave omission is this Tree Canopy Plan does not cover private land. Ongoing pressure to include canopy protection on private land remains a focus for Canopy Keepers.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Garigal people, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging. The survival of our beautiful Spotted Gum and Angophora Forests, with the many creatures they feed and shelter, are evidence of their care for country.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Garigal people, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging. The survival of our beautiful Spotted Gum and Angophora Forests, with the many creatures they feed and shelter, are evidence of their care for country.

About us

Canopy Keepers was formed in 2020 as an independent group to raise community awareness about the social, environmental and economic importance of trees to our area. We aim to increase local appreciation of the value of a healthy and strong canopy. We also lobby for changes to regulations and practices to protect and enhance it.

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For all enquiries email hello@canopykeepers.org.au or use our contact form.